california almonds
f¥ s
f l
show your
sweet heart
you care.
S t e p I •
Pick up some California Almonds from the
snack, produce or baking aisle of the grocery store.
S t e p 2 : Keep a generous supply in your pantry.
S t e p 3 : Next time you or your sweetie is looking for a
snack, grab a handful of heart-healthy California Almonds.
S t e p 4 :
Feel satisfied knowing that just one ounce
of almonds (about 23) can help you and your loved
ones maintain a healthy cholesterol level.
S t e p 5 : Repeat as desired.
R e m e m b e r : Almonds are the snack that loves
you back. They provide protein, fiber, vitamin E
and more. Plus, they're low in saturated fat
and always cholesterol-free. Now
V o te to W in at Sn ackA lm o n d m
Jan u ary
-M a rc h
G o o d new s abo ut g o o d fat
U.S. Dietary guidelines recom m end that the m ajority of your fat
in ta k e b e
O n e serving of alm onds (
g) has
g of unsaturated fat
a n d o n ly 1
g of saturated fat.
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